Becoming a Writer, The Coffeehouse, The Writer, Writing Prompts

30 days of focus

A few weeks ago, I was thinking about how I could jump start my writing (for the past couple years my progress has been stagnant). I decided some sort of a challenge would be helpful, but I didn't want anything as daunting as NaNoWriMo or even Camp NaNoWriMo. Word count goals and even the prospect… Continue reading 30 days of focus

A to Z Blogging Challenge

2016 A to Z Challenge

It's nearly time for another round of the A to Z Challenge.  For those of your who aren't familiar the A to Z Challenge, it is an April blogging challenge to blog every weekday (no weekend posts - though, I will probably be using that time to post writing updates) with topics starting with every… Continue reading 2016 A to Z Challenge

The Writer

A Look into a New Year

It's that time of year again where everyone is the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.  This is the time of year I like to sit back and evaluate my goals for the coming year.  I look at my goals multiple times a year and adjust them accordingly.  This year I… Continue reading A Look into a New Year