A to Z Blogging Challenge

2016 A to Z Challenge

It’s nearly time for another round of the A to Z Challenge.  For those of your who aren’t familiar the A to Z Challenge, it is an April blogging challenge to blog every weekday (no weekend posts – though, I will probably be using that time to post writing updates) with topics starting with every letter of the alphabet.  You can find last year’s posts here.

Last year, I mainly focused on writing and publishing Dissonance.  This year, I decided I would, in the spirit of my blog, write about my writing progress/process (as usual) and throw in posts about self-discovery, meditation, and other types of inspiration I have found to finding and leading the fulfilling life I want to have.

I realize I am posting about this a little early.  I mean it is a month away, but I am already working on my list of topics.  With school, work, writing, and balancing home responsibilities in with everything else, I am trying to write the posts ahead of time.  My goal for March is to complete all 26 posts and have them scheduled to post on the appropriate day so I have more time to read other blogs, respond to comments, and enjoy the long awaited springtime.


Reverie writing update:  I haven’t written much lately.  I am in a bit of a slump, but I am hoping the warming weather and outdoor time that accompanies it, along with an upcoming vacation will help.  I’ll keep you updated, as I know several of you are eagerly awaiting the sequel. 

6 thoughts on “2016 A to Z Challenge”

  1. The only thing that got me through this challenge last year was writing up a list of topics and scheduling them in advance. Good luck – I am looking forward to reading your posts. I haven’t decided whether I will do the challenge this year yet.

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  2. I’m tempted, but I’m not good at committing to something like this. I doubt I would remember every day, and I don’t have time now to organise in advance. Guess I’ll just have to enjoy your posts, Amanda.

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  3. It’s supposed to be fun, not something to add stress. I do better with deadlines, for sure, and I do write and schedule my posts ahead of time. I find it adds consistency and eliminates repetition.

    Good luck!

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