A to Z Blogging Challenge, The Writer

Q is for Quitting

Writers, we can be a melodramatic bunch.  I have only seriously thought about quitting once [you can read about that here], but it was only for a short time.  A couple people knocked some sense into me and got back at it and am thankful everyday for it.  If I would have given into the idea of quitting, I would have never published Dissonance, which seems to be well liked by readers.

We’ve all been there, unfortunately, for those without a good support network some do actually quit writing.  It’s truly sad when an individual gives up on his or her dream because  they don’t think they are talented enough or they feel they can’t get any better.  To me the best part about writing, is it’s something you can learn and get better at.

I think that feeling of giving up stems from a feeling of inferiority.  We feel like imposters.  Like all that time we spent on something was wasted.  Or at least that’s how I felt, when I thought about quitting.

I know several writers who have gone through the imposter stage.  It might happen as a beginner or even after you have several published books.  It’s that feeling that you are a hack and have no clue what you are doing.  To be honest, my newest project (that I started yesterday), I felt like I was not knowledgeable enough to write about the subject, but as I sat down to write / journal the words were there.  I think many times the imposter syndrome is just us getting in our own way of success.  We have the necessary skills, the drive to do it, and the knowledge of when to seek help, but sometimes we just get this silly little self-doubting voice that says you can’t do this….

But you know what… it’s wrong.  We can do this and we know how to do it.  Just stop thinking and analyzing it and get out of the way and let the words flow.

If you ever just feel like quitting reach out to a friend, especially a writer friend because I’m sure they have also experienced the same feelings.

Join me for the next post – Reading

3 thoughts on “Q is for Quitting”

  1. I talked about quitting in last year’s challenge. Believe me, there have been numerous occasions wherei’ve actually quit. There were times where I was tempted to throw away my notebooks. But my wife saved them and asked me flat out, “Do you want to write?” When I said yes, she told me to shut up about wanting to write and go write. I thanked her for making me see the light.

    I think what prompts me to quit is fear of failure, fear of success, comparing myself to others, lack of discipline, beating myself up for not writing every day. Those are the main reasons. But I think what’s kept me going is the joy I feel after I wrote something. It could be a journal entry, a short story, whatever. The good outweighs the bad. So I keep fighting and keep writing. And I keep telling myself that I am a writer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes, I can’t agree more with when you said, ‘the best part about writing, is it’s something you can learn and get better at,’ and I think that’s why I have never wanted to quit writing. I have several times thought about not marketing, because I find that side of things very difficult. But I don’t think I will, because I know my work is worth a read. So I’ll keep writing and I’ll keep getting better. And I’ll keep trying to market my books.
    thanks for another good post, Amanda.


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