Getting to know the author

Home, work, and where did the rest of the day go?

Work, home, play……. my play… is outside.

I spend a lot of time with my own thoughts; working on my dreams.  This year I have spent a lot of time outside.  During my lunch breaks, I sat under my tree on the edge of the property line outside the office, furthest from the doors.  Some days, I went to the local parks and ate lunch in the woods or near a stream.  I enjoy being outdoors as it give me an opportunity to observe my surrounds and even myself.  For me the great outdoors is the perfect place for mediation.

While I am leisurely walking down a nature trail or sitting on a park bench, I enjoy watching the day pass.  Listening to the birds chirp attempting to identify them by sound, or watching the puffy clouds float across the blue skies.  I love watching the chipmunks and the squirrels run from tree to tree busy going out their tasks, not even noticing my intrusion into their world.  It does wonders for my soul to watch nature be itself and feel how we each have a part to play in this world.

All of this time spent outside, being a part of the scene, recharges my mind to be able to follow my dreams and write.

3 thoughts on “Home, work, and where did the rest of the day go?”

  1. Spending time in the outdoors is so necessary, isn’t it?

    This is another wonderful post, Amanda. You’ve reminded me of an important part of my life that’s been missing x


  2. Love this. I wrote about meditation today too, but used the lifeline prompt about pausing. You helped me see I could have actually used this “third place” prompt. The third place, taken less literally, could have been the state of meditation, and could have included all of the spaces I do that – the yoga studio, my house, the runs on trails. Nice post!


  3. That’s something I need to start doing again. I won’t be able to actually get outside but I to have this sliding door that goes out to the deck in back. I can certainly sit at my kitchen table and look out at nature. Why not go outside? If I go out on the deck, I scare our stray kitties away. I’d go out to the car port but my place to sit has been temporarily taken over by a wood project Hubby is working on.


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